Building something new

Our boards allowed the individual systems in the project to come together. The DWM1000, MAG3110, and ESP8266-1 were all connected to the PIC32 microcontroller so they could interact with each other and across wireless networks. Learn more about their design and construction or about the systems the boards controlled.

Teamwork makes the Dream Work

Eddie Hunckler, Matt King, Stephen McAndrew, and Kate Sanders. "Randomly" selected for the assignment, but perfectly aligned in their mission. A year ago they barely knew each other, but on 5 December 2016 they outlined a project that, by completion 6 months later, had taken up uncountable hours and formed an unbreakable friendship. Learn more about them.

Taking Stock of What we've Got

SDNet, a board vice, and nine 2AM nights. That's what our project is made of. Also ten DWM1000, five PIC32s, six MAG3110s, eight ESP8266s, one GUI, 150 pages of code, three coding languages, four charging cables, one solder screen, eleven downloaded libraries, two compasses, twenty-eight trips to closet 214, one 100 foot tape measure, three extenstion cords, two robots, 256 switch possibilities, and one working system.

Thank you

For our families, thank you for all you've done and all you continue to do for us; we don't say it enough, but we love you.
For our professors, thank you for helping us learn and grow into the men and woman who were able to complete something this big; you made us better people.
For our friends, thank you for being beside us and encouraging us and changing us with your kindness; there are big changes coming but we know we're not alone.
For all others, thank you for caring about this project enough to read this far. It's not revolutionary, but it was for us. We hope that it inspires you to try new things and see the world not as it is, but as it could be.